Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 7mo

@ that new mori picture: do you know what caning is in the context of BDSM? i would like to do that to him

"Do you know what caning is" CMON WHAT KINDA VANILLA MF DO YOU TAKE ME FOR /lhj
I would too. Nnmmgngh. I don't think I can stick to proper bdsm etiquette with him I fear...a nice, heavy cane with more of a thudding pain than a stinging one....fuck being safe I need to gag him with the stupid tie in that latest art of him and beat him over the ass and thighs with the cane hes holding until hes screaming. Sobbing and bruising so heavily and kicking his legs like a brat begging for mercy because god, he thinks something might be /broken/,,, guh <3

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