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Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Thoughts on the socioeconomical problems of Greece? And thoughts on pitjobs?

The Socioeconomic problems of Greece stem from their troubled past in the 19th and 20th century. Their occupation by the Ottoman Empire and Germany has resulted in Greece having a low-trust society, which resulted in the military dictatorship that held power in Greece for most of the Cold War. This resulted in the Greek government overspending on unnecessary stuff, costing the exchequer quite a bit. When the military government fell after the Turkish invasion of Northern Cyprus, Greece was restored to democracy. However, decades of authoritarian misrule, combined with Greek's low trust society that resulted from it, meant that the Greek government was highly ineffective and corrupt, leading to mounting debts. This, plus the 2008 Financial Crisis, has greatly hurt Greece's economy, leading to it being largely dependent of loans from Germany.
However, I believe Greece is still capable of pulling themselves out of this hole, given that they are still doing quite a bit better now, than they were before.

Pitjobs are super hot btw. Especially with sweaty girls.

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