Anonymous Inquirer · 1y

Which one tastes better?

Sasha: "Uhhh...what?"

Lumnar: "I am, the majority of the time, an incorporeal spirit. When I am not, Sasha creates my material form based on her own imagination, power, and limited as those may be. In the brief moment in transition, I am more akin to a entity of non-physical light. Therefore, as Sasha has never once considered taste in evolving a living body into reality, I am almost assuredly disgusting or tasteless whenever I am not unable to be tasted at all. Sasha...well, you've likely seen where many of her timelines end up. The answer is obvious."

Sasha: "I'm lost. What... Huh?"

Maven: Obviously Sasha. Though if you had a capacity and taste for souls, it's a question of which flavor you like more: innocence and goodness, or power and a grand history.

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