Anonymous Coward · 1y

I just wanted to say I love your shuleos so much, especially your fanfics they stay on my mind constantly and I really appreciate the art you put out, seriously it’s really phenomenal and inspiring so thank you

ah....! oh my god...! thank you so much...! that really means a lot to me...! Me and drei started going insane over them and thinking about a whole shuleo saga during the pandemy and i went so unhinged over it, i wrote so so much of it that i dont know if ill ever post, but still meant a lot to write.... shuleo are great, like, theyr fellow artists half friends half rivals banter is really cute and funny and the potential for them to come too close together is a powerful double edged sword! They really can connect in a way they cant with others bc of shared experiences and have really beautiful moments, but they could also make eachother insane. Like, they both have a history of knowing exactly where to aim to hurt the most when discussions get really ugly, so it's also fun to write them argue and have it go absolutely off the walls.
( Also Leo is Shu's type just saying. it's canon )
I love shuleo being funny, I love them being sweet and having an unique, beautiful bond, and I also do love angst verses where they enable each other to be theyr worst selves! It's all about that potencial baby! idk why i started rambling over shuleo but idk i had a lot of fun with them. also i love shuizuleo cannot forget IZUMI SENA.

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