Anonymous Coward · 2mo

apart from leo (he seems like the obvious answer) do you have a favorite enstars character to draw?? i'm curious! everyone looks really good in your style!!

oh thank you for thinking they all look good in my style...! Well, I do really love drawing senas hair and the curly-wavy little fringe i think its very my style...a little shoujo...very pretty! and he has a very pretty face too of course that i like to draw. its been a while since i drew him but i also love drawing mugis hair a lot! very wavy very pretty a little long... i mean to be real i cut my fringe this year so mugis the one closer to my real hair rn? ASDASDASD i dont get why so many people think hes ugly i think hes really cute, one of my fav enst designs...he also has those type of droopy eyes i love drawing aSDASD i also love drawing shus takarazuka eyes and face, and while his hair is really short i think its fun to draw too, a little delicate...and he has great fashion sense so i can draw frills which i like ! these are probably my favs to draw i think? i also really liked drawing wataru the few times i drew him, with his beautiful hair and striking eyes....thats what i tried to emphasize in him! i love eichi but for some reason hes a bit challenging for me to draw though? not sure why, i like his design ASDASD mikas fun to draw too, i like drawing hair thats a little wild , and hes really cute...the times i drew all of knights in the same pic it was also fun to like, think of slight shapes contrast between them...i always think of tsukasa as a cute roundish tomato when i draw him, for example ! i rambled a lot i think but it was fun answering this! i think all enst characters can be potencially fun to draw though, specially when making fun expressions(love drawing expressions)

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