Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Well hey there, Mega, ol' buddy ol' pal! S-say, …where would a guy go about ordering some of those: "Excess ™ Brand 5ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL Size" Magical Panties, from: "Body By Excess"; that turn you into a shamelessly insatiable, unimaginably obese, gorgeously gluttonous, USSBBW Goddess?! 😍
…Preferably in bulk? …Like, maybe just a few dozen crates worth? …A-asking for a Friend! 😳🥵😅
You have to buy them from dubious resellers now because after the Incident (Zavia's situation) Excess reevaluated the fabric blends of some of their products so things like that wouldn't happen anymore. So look out for sellers on ebay that have a sinister air about them selling massively oversized women's lingerie I guess. :V
Alternatively, look for Excess's new line of Re-Shapewear, which works on the same principle to transform the wearer but in a slightly more controlled fashion that DOESN'T accidentally delete the wearer from the fabric of reality and erase their entire life. Either or.
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