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Anonymous Coward · 8mo

As much as I like Ash Vs. Volkner in JN, I can't help, but feel like Ash should've lost that battle and, no, it's not because of the Z-Move/Motor Drive moment

Volkner's pretty much outplaying Ash throughout the entire battle and to such a degree that I don't buy Ash walking away with the win here

I try not to feed into the whole "JN Ash Plot Armor" agenda (As I think it's been thrown around so much that it has lost all meaning at this point), but it's hard to argue against it in cases like this

Yeah, I agree with you.

I don't like the phrase plot armor much in general either, particularly in anipoke where Ash basically tends to get the opposite, but there are quite a few instance in this series where I feel he had it.

Like, the battle was fun to watch and all, but at least half of that was because of VOLKNER'S plays. Ash didn't do much in the way of being clever in return, and he's done better than this before. Definitely one of JN's better battles, and despite that, he still kinda sucked. It's a damn shame.

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