Stardust · 7mo

hola! i found you at the 'mas-mas mencari adik manis' qrts, and yesss!!! after i read your medium site, guess we're having an equality that both of us r stanning txt, mind to make friend w/ me??, don't worry, i'll be nice to you esp you're my mutual's soon-to-be (if you agreeing my friendship offer, i'll hit you up w/ my yeonjun eternity era ava)

NOT MAS MAS MENCARI ADIK MANIS. I'm so sorry for being very, VERY late in replying this retro (because I'm careless, indeed) and yay to us both stanning TXT! Of course, please befriend me— that if you still want to, since I'm so late in replying huhu. 🥺 please please do hit me up and befriend me. ❤️‍🔥

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