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Ghostly Coward · 6mo

What is your fav type of monster to draw? (Dragons, demons etc). Any particular designs that you like for creatures?

Many different types! Although my LEAST favorite are just humans with a few monster traits (like human with horns/animal ears and a tail,etc) and being called things like a “dragon” or something.
I found them boring. Ofc days will come where I’d probably have to draw them or design one n it’ll be whatever. But I usually lean towards completely feral or demonic looking beings on all fours, threes, six, whatever! Be such abominations… or just look really cool. I love designing monsters and being doing more often!
It’s ironic cuz I DO have my demon siblings but they’re designed that way to be sexually appealing to the human, they are succubi/incubi yanno! (Plus they look cool and sexy anyways)

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