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Whisker Wanderer. · 3mo

Maafin gue ya kalo gue freak ngestalk2 lo. sebenernya ca lo muncul di suggest account di x terserah lo mau percaya atau enggak. sekali lagi sorry ya bikin lo risih. Salamin maaf juga buat yang lain (Gak usah di jawab)

(hamson ada pantera)

Iya gapapa, ga perlu minta maaf juga sebenernya. Tapi kenapa gua dibub deh? Padahal gua masih mau temenan. But it’s all up to you sih. Hamson ada pantera juga kayaknya gua gak nonton, gak ada duit 😄🔫

Whisker Wanderer. · 3mo

mine ak mw request bisa gakya.... if you take a request i want a blurbs about ajisana scolding naina and naina nangis pas dimarahin itu juga IDK HOW TO SAY IT DO YOU GET IT😵‍💫😵‍💫ithink it will be so cute and i will be so glad if you can do this.... thankyou love to live mon jie n minerva🫶🫶🫶

Whisker Wanderer. · 4mo

kak mau nanya , itu aunya renjun rancangan renjana itu gimana buka chr indexnya ?

Whisker Wanderer. · 3mo

I adored you, with my dejection and sorrow.

Whisker Wanderer. · 5mo

hello! how do u edit?? ><

Whisker Wanderer. · 5mo

kak mau nanya.. itu novel how we’ve loved & lost itu dari au mana? aku cari ga ketemuu sry :(

Whisker Wanderer. · 6mo

hii kak, sorrrryy banget mungkin kalo aku nanya nanya au lama (au lama gasih???) tapi ini au haechan yg the tip of the backburners tounge itu di discontinue apa masih on goingg?? MAAF KALO TERNYATA KAKAK KURANG SUKA DITANYAIN GINI 🙏🙏…im really sorry

· 6mo

hi (now playing: pelangi di matamu - jamrud)

Whisker Wanderer. · 6mo

You seem attractive, may I have the opportunity to get closer to you?

Am I? Let's get to know each other better through conversation, you can hit my DMs.

Whisker Wanderer. · 6mo

Dropping by cause I just thought that you're really nice. Thank you for dropping kind words on my menfess! And you're welcome to join my party with my little trinkets. Perhaps we could be friends first?

Hey, thank you for the compliment. I dropped it because you deserved it. I'd be delighted to join your party and explore the possibility friendship with you. Don’t hesitate to shoot me a follow, I’m waiting.

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