Jazz · 1y

I'm holding your most precious scrunkly at gunpoint and the only way I'll stop is if you tell me top 5 fun facts about them that you haven't already talked about

What scrunkly? Since it's kinda not specific so I'm gonna asume my oc so unfortunately that's the one thing in my mind rn gomen o(-(
1) They can understand Sargon language and interpret it on text but can't speak it or make sense of the words while reading per se
2) Their strong suit is actually close range combat and swordplay but since losing their memory, only instinct can draw it out, so they settle with long range combat to be safer instead
3) Might've know Platinum from before, including having heard her sing, but lmao memory loss
4) Probably the only character of my creation that is NOT a sweet tooth. Their favourite food is Pizza. It can never go wrong no matter the topping
5) They only let themselves grieve and show some weakness while at complete privacy. They are determined to be ALWAYS upbeat otherwise

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