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NoraNeko · 8mo

Hey! How many cats you got? What do they like to be called? What are they like and where do they like being petted? Sorry for all the questions at once!

No it's fine actually, getting questions like this ain't too much to me I think?

I've only got two cats in this house and they're both adopted tbh. One of them usually stay at my mom's room and her name is 摸摸(Momo), she's a brown tabby with white spots and also the older one of the two cats.

Another one is called 弟弟(Deedee), also brown tabby but he've got white socks and belly too.

I rarely pet Momo but she likes being petted on her head and bum tbh, while Deedee enjoyed belly rubbing and petting on his neck the most.

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