Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Cakes · 2mo

I saw you saying smthn on your alt and you don't follow me but I still wanted to say something

If you trust him, it might be worth having a conversation about your ex and what you're feeling

Or, if not, maybe suggest e-dates and say you feel sick/unable to hang out but still want to see him

Absolutely up to you but maybe these are worth taking into consideration, maybe they're not

I have already talked to him about my exs and my feelings! i have issues that we are working on and that have calmed down a lot these last couple days.
I am just a very sickly person with an awful immune system but right now we are long distance so we don't have to worry about it yet!
I appreciate the your concern/advice though and sorry it took me so long to reply retro hates my ass

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