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Moth's Patreon-Exclusive Ask Box


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Anonymous Coward · 4mo

i imagine mylo would be very happy if they somehow convince someone else to dm a game

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

I'm alone this valentines day, can I get a kiss from someone? I don't care who it's from

Sorry boss, saw this after Valentines Day + I don't enjoy drawing "Can I get a kiss from X" type asks.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

whose got the record for a tiny being inside them the longest?

i don't have an answer for things like this, just headcanon its your favorite, boss

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Does shepard like anyone's ass more than the others

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

How about someone's face being held against a mini giant's cock and balls? Doesn't have to be any of your OCs.

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Would love to see Saturn pleasuring themselves with a phallic train or building!

Saturn exists exclusively in a fantasy setting, there ain't really any buildings or trains like that. Plus I'm not really into the macro thing. Sorry

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

what do you mean "patreon exclusive"? cause i managed to reach this using the retrospring public timeline

Means if you're sending a prompt via this site, anything I draw for it is only posted to Patreon ✌ not a lot of options in terms of "Private Askboxes"

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Can we see a tiny being forced to worship some ass?

I see you saw my tweet about worship and thought this is something I'd be into, but you've got it wrong. Its not 'worship' if its being forced. I like it when tinies (or just people in general) are so enamored with a person that they worship them on principle.

Its not the same if its forced. That's not worship, that's just outta fear. Not my thing.

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

On a scale of 1-10 how horny your characters naturally?

Like.... all of them? Honest answer? Probably like.... collectively around a 4 or 5. I ham up how horny they are for my account, but realistically they got too much going on

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Can we see Maca stuffing a handful of tinies into their ass while using one lucky one to help him jack off

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

How about a tiny using a $100 bill(or unknown denomination/currency) as a glider, angling toward Lyca's waiting butt or belly as a safe landing zone?

Lyca's world uses coins for currency exclusively lol, so this idea doesn't work.

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

I would love to see Lyca put me in my place after I tried to rip them off.

This is too vague + I don't wanna draw Lyca just beating the shit outta someone. Sorry.

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