RhymewithRay · 2y

What does Honey think of their faculty colleagues?

Sera: "She is literately my savior. I can't tell you how many times she's brought me back from the brink of death- okay thats a little dramatic but have ya'll ever ate a Masalda that was stuffed with chunky Tomato berry filling?? //Have yall ever had five of them...on top of them being burnt????// AHEM...I digress...

In all seriousness Sera is a peach, she definitely helps me stay a little grounded when Im all over the place. Really looks out for my health, and she makes for nice company when we are tending to the school garden for our herbs and berries. I also enjoy her sharing her knowledge about berries and what not with me, its really helpful for my meals...plus its nice to chat about that sort of thing over a nice cooked meal. I really do cherish her...I just wish she'd hurry up and tell that Bio boy how she felt I'm not getting any younger!!"

Mira: "Mira my darling! My sweet as Lum Berry pie! She's a doll, I really appreciate her always stopping by and sharing a bit of her positivity with me before each class. Sometimes it can be a lot teaching these students of varying ages and I really do enjoy her giving me such a bright and cheerful smile. I appreciate her even MORE after we clock out and she enjoys a nice glass of wine with me over dinner. Also she makes for a great duet partner at Karaoke...I cant tell you how many videos Sera has of us making fools of ourselves on stage after a drink or two haha!"

"I really do appreciate them both being in my life...it very much makes coming to school even more worth it...I cant thank them enough..."

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