Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

mouse collective · 6mo

not sure if you've answered this but how do you feel about bobby fulbright. do you like him or do you not & why

Sorry it’s been like a month but I struggle thinking about Bobby because I think he was a GREAT show in how the dark age of law works. He’s incompetent, brash and arrogant in his actions and abuses his power in the name of justice despite it being something when pressed about he’s not actually sure on what justice is. I think he’s great like that. But most of his fans don’t see him like that so </3 I don’t talk about him. Also because I think you can’t separate the phantom from him. The overlap on who Bobby is from what we see is entirely overlapping with the phantom. So like. Also why I’m not a blackbright fan

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