One of the readers · 19d

Me. I am a jaewoo shipper. And honestly, I only tweeted jh tags a few times, Jw is my priority, why? Jh is already there and Jw is just starting to show himself in the fashion industry, so I did more for him. But that doesn't mean that I have less love for Jh. And as for your layag ship, honestly, wala akong nakitang as in layag ng Dojae mo? And even for Jaewoo, kung may lumayag ate Dowoo yon jusko walang nanalo saten. HAHAHA.

Yes oo malaki na fandom ni Jae and madali siyang magtrend kaya gets ko yung iba alam naman natin na small fandom ang jungps kompara sa iba kaya dapat double effort, it's the thought that counts ikaw nga nila. Di ba? I was confused kanina kasi alam ko naglakad at picture lang silaa? Walang ganap both ships except sa dowoo huhuhu ewan naghahanap sila away HAHAHAHAHAHAA

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