Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Ralph W · 11mo

'Ere's the deal: (You..) can either join the ranks of eternal Vampires*or chomp down on an Apple that'll leave you paralyzed. Vampire life's in me blood, “🩸I'm Jone Edward.”
Take a stand, rock out, and let destiny spin its punk, funky tale,

Will ***

Dear, Mushy..

Am delighted to be visited by ZITEVILLE Resident: Jone Edward 👚⭐

The deal: (is Ema supposed to pick one of it..?) *

If so.. Dear, Edward. I'd like to join your Vampire Life.. *

suck humans blood, leave it dry, drink, travel around for eternity

⚗️ .. (serious tone)

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