Anonymous Coward · 4y

what is something you would never share with someone in real life but are willing to admit here?

There's not really anything I wouldn't admit IRL... I'm not gonna walk into a room and exclaim "I pissed the bed until I was 14" or anything, but i'm not 100% hiding it like a dark secret...

I guess in general there's people I'd be able to just about muster an "I love you" to on here, but not IRL right now.

The unfortunate answer is that I have mental illnesses and am depressed in places. It's not "socially acceptable" to admit those sort of things in public or to someone IRL... It's just not the "done thing".

There's probably something, but it's all based on the fact that I'm socially akward and a lot of things just never come up IRL.

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