Anonymous Coward · 5y

What’s the story behind the name?

It used to be crabcrabcam, but in Quake 3 (in the menus) there's a character limit so having crabcrabcam meant I only had 1 more character, meaning no colours.

So after much thought, I shortened it to ccCam. I have no idea where the crab came from, as far as I can remember it was because when I made my Minecraft account I didn't want to take any of my previous names (cam12win on YouTube and batpig on everything else) for some reason, which was weird... But I remember I was watching Beyblade and my favourite character was the dude that went "crab crab crab!" when he left in a kinda "Team Rocket's Blasting Off Again!" way.

I'm fucking glad I picked "Cam" as my online name because it's made switching to mostly use Cam as my name everywhere so much easier (I have mostly gone by Cameron, but that's not quite as cool I feel)

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