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Anonymous Cat · 1y

hi! sorry for dumb question but is a google drive link the same as a google doc link for writers? thanks

Anonymous Cat · 1y

Hi hi! Maybe a silly question but are big cat hybrids still allowed or is it more of a house cat only vibe

We've decided to allow big cats into the house cause smaller cats need their big bad cuddly partners :3

Anonymous Cat · 1y

Hiii, what’s the difference in catboys & catgirls and then cat hybrids, if any at all?

No difference at all! Catboy is a cat hybrid! Catgirl is also a cat hybrid! Non-binary kitty hybrids are also a cat hybrid! Any human with physical cat traits is a cat hybrid! Meow!

Anonymous Cat · 1y

Hi, sorry if someone has already asked, but I have two questions!
First, do the writing samples we submit need to be from posted works? Or is it okay to use wips as long as the part we submit is cleaned up and edited?
Also more generally, I don’t have any works that are 3000 words or under, so is it okay to use just a en excerpt of a work to fit the word limit, even though it isn’t the full fic?
Thank you!!

Hi, there!
Samples do not have to be from posted works, and excerpts are fine as long as it is a scene that can stand out on its own. Adding context to understand that excerpt better also would be appreciated!

Anonymous Cat · 1y

Where's the line between what's allowed for the zine and furry? Can you give an example?

Furry is an anthropomorphic animal a.k.a animal with human characteristics (ie. walks like human, eats like human, dresses like human). A fairly well-known example would be the Zootopia movie. That movie revolves around furry characters!
Meanwhile the definition of a "hybrid" that we're using in this zine refers to human with animal traits (ie. human who has cat ears, cat tails, etc.). Think of Hawks in BNHA—he's a bird hybrid with birdie wings!
Hope this answers your question! (^w^)

Anonymous Cat · 1y

How are apps being made blind?
Does this mean excepts aren't allowed, and that artwork doesn't have signatures?

When we're grading the app, we hide the names of the applicants to ensure fairness.
As for artworks, we would prefer for the work to not have the artist's signature on it, but artworks with signature are still allowed.
As for writings, an excerpt of a longer work is allowed, as long as it depicts a scene that can stand out on its own.
Hope this answers your question! :3

Anonymous Cat · 1y

Hi, I have an application question :)

For writers it says "Each sample should be within 3,000 wordcount". Does this mean the max wordcount for a sample is 3k? And if so, is there a minimum wordcount for samples?

Sorry if this was answered before, I couldn't find it if so :(

Hi, there!
Yes, ideally maximum wordcount should be 3,000 words, but we've decided to allow 200 words bleed.
There's no minimum wordcount, though we generally prefer it to be at least around 1,000 words (but if your sample is less than that it's fine)

Anonymous Cat · 1y

Will furry art be allowed? =D

Anonymous Cat · 1y

I have a small question. I write mostly one ship and don’t have any long fics outside of that shit long enough to submit but I am a big multishipper. Are you guys judging on what ships we submit or just general writing skill, etc. I’m nervous about applying due to the fact my best works are all one ship 🥲

Hello! Rest assured, we will not take into account the ships featured in your samples. So, say, if your favorite ship is WashJeanist and all your samples are WashJeanist, it will not affect your chance at all!

Anonymous Cat · 1y

Hi, I usually write for one specific ship (I have lots of other bnha ships and characters that I also like and would be fine writing for as well), but since my strongpoint is that ship, how likely is it if I were to be selected that I would get to write for it?

Hello! We will try our best to feature many varieties of ships. However, you would be allowed to discuss your preferences with the mods if necessary.

Anonymous Cat · 1y

hey, i never received a message about my mod app but would it be safe to assume that all present mods were first picked so i would have been rejected anyway?

We couldn't send out some results because the e-mail addresses entered on the application form were invalid, most likely due to typing error (typo). We did make an announcement for anyone who didn't receive the result to message us privately. Perhaps your e-mail address was among the invalid ones. We're sorry for that.
To answer your question, yes, we cannot take you into our team at the moment. It was a difficult decision because we surprisingly received many applicants. We hope this doesn't discourage you from applying as a contributor or applying to other events :)

Anonymous Cat · 1y

Considering who two of your mods are, are there any measures in place to ensure that applicants are evaluated on the merit of their work, as opposed to who the mods and their friends like?

Hello! Apps will be judged blindly, but if you have doubts you may reach out to our head mod (pena)

Anonymous Cat · 1y

For sample pieces, the wc for writers is 3k. Will you allow more than 3k? I have a piece I’d like to use that it 3.099

Hello! Yes, we've decided that we will allow 200 words bleed so your wordcount should be fine :3

Anonymous Cat · 1y

Hi! I have a couple of questions, that might be really dumb because I know very little about zines but here we go.
Since it’s a free, digital zine, does that mean that there will be no physical print and merch available for purchase?
If so, there was a mention in the artist guidelines that they might be making a design for a merch piece, how would that work?

Hello, there! No question is dumb, don't worry!
To answer that, yes, this will be a digital zine without a physical copy. However, we would include some digital merch that were most voted during our interest check: desktop wallpaper, phone wallpaper, emoji pack, and icons.
Hope this answers your question!

Anonymous Cat · 1y

do we have to fill out the interest check if we want to apply? i just saw that this was a thing and the interest check is already closed.

Hi, there! No, no, filling interest check is not a requirement at all. Although we really appreciate everyone who filled it! Interest check is just an indicator we use to check whether people would be interested in this or not. To apply, you just need to fill out the application form that would be available in a few days :)

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