Surabaya, Indonesia.
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Curious Hooman · 4mo

more updates please, love to see your interactions

Curious Hooman · 4mo


Wodzx · 5mo

Fi dan ci @wodzx

Curious Hooman · 6mo

Never seen a hottie tattooist like you before. 08?

Curious Hooman · 6mo

I have a BIG crush on you.

Curious Hooman · 6mo

Buka hati atau saya buka bajumu

Curious Hooman · 7mo

kak, circlenya emang suka gibahin orang kek gitu?

Curious Hooman · 7mo

Hii, Kak Novel. I gotta confess, you’re one of my fave mutuals! Your banter’s pure sunshine, and seeing you interact with your friends is a total joy. And let’s not forget those stunning posts - seriously, you’re the definition of “aesthetically blessed!” Sending you major adoration vibes and hoping your day shimmers like your feed.

Halo sayang, thank you for your compliment. Jujur, bingung mau respon apa. May you have a blessed day ya sayang. ♡

Curious Hooman · 7mo

Novel, I saw that you are writing quite a lot and it's fun to see your stories. Sederhana, tapi menarik. But if I could give you an advice, this is how you put a dialogue in narrative stories:

"Saya tidak suka." ucapnya.
"Apa maksudmu?" ia bertanya bingung.
"I don't like you," she screams.

Jadi, you don't have to put any dots (.) atau tanda baca lainnya setelah penutup ("). Hope that helps!

( Thank you masukannya hooman! Besok kalo nulis coba koreksi lagi ya hihihi. )

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