Anon · 4d

More of the BSD/MHA AU

Aizawa kinda dad'ing Dazai a little due to their similar abilities and he sees himself in him because of that but Aizawa has to remember that Dazai’s not a hero and even for a teenager he has committed heinous actions- he’s trying to steer Dazai in the right direction but the only one to succeed at that was Oda

Albatross asking Denki to zap him to see what it feels like
(Did not end well)

Chuuya and Bakugou in the fighting each other over stupid shit department

Albatross has wrecked at least 5 uniforms practicing motorcycle tricks

Akutagawa having to be nullified quite often and being quite the wildcard
(I don't think 15 Aku would be in control of his ability fully, like- it's a massive struggle)
(Dazai doesn't hurt him at UA at least but there's still looming danger in that section- or at least to Akutagawa's anxiety because Dazai being kind is offputting)
(Dazai has to behave so the contract isn't broken)

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