✧.KAMDEN · 7 answers · 2mo

qotd: what is your most valuable item that holds basically zero monetary value?

so whats the most emotionally valuable thing you own?

emotionally my mother, objects. yes I have a precious painting, it has value, it is gold and silver,
I wouldn't want to lose it, so zero

A little clown ornament we found in the basement is the least costing one! Our most emotionally valuable thing we have is probably our giraffe pillow, or our Fire tablet!

this little box full of knick knacks and notes and random junk that have something to do with my friends ... i love them all dearly

everything @VINE_STAFF gives me. they gave me a bracelet and I wore it until my little sister broke it. they replaced the bracelet with a necklace that I refuse to take off unless I absolutely have to.

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