Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Pancakes · 7mo

Why tf you ships Nagisa and Tsukasa? Crosshiper more like proshiper like Nagisa is 23+ and Tsukasa is 18 but still in highschool

I've never said that i ship them?? Just because I combinate their name on my user it doesn't mean i ship them wtf. Yes I'm a crosshiper i like Enstars x D4dj characters ships but i usually look at their age first not just randomly ships them. I just sees Nagisa and Tsukasa as friends (and seeing each others as siblings) with same interest where Nagisa usually gives sweets shop/bakery recommendations to Tsukasa just that. Nice try to accuse anon, but this isn't the first time me being accused for the stupidest thing ever, i know you're just wants my attention

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