Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Hi, I just saw your thread about the (possibly) matching rings but I sadly can't DM you. Mimo also wore the ring when he was leaving at the airport, and you can see it a bit more clearly on some pics from fansites. Due to its shape it can look quite different when it catches the light but I'm 90% sure it is the one he wore for L33 mvjin. But idk if that is also the same one he wore yesterday at the fashion show (but it would make sense)

You can see the ring in some pics here. The first one is the most clear:

It is definitly the same. I had noticed it at airport too but i had not find good enough pics because of the lights playing on it. Thanks for the pictures! I believe that AT the airport he was wearing it the same way as at mvjin. But during the show yesterday, he was playing with it all the time and most pics show the ring from the other side.

You can ask to follow me on tw!tter. I will accept you and you will be able to dm me. No need to hide. I dont bite and i'm a supporter. I honestly truly believe in them and dont from it. If im in private right now, it's not because i'm scared of haters and antis. I truly dont care about them. But i'm scared it could be spread widely, become target of hate mostly on the clock app and thsn Mnsvng wont wear it ever again...😔

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