Obsi_Moon · 2mo

How often do Cooper and Zenith cuddle, oh and have they been on a double date with Jacque and Mahogany? Btw, love the way you draw larger body types, makes me feel more comfortable in my own :)

Awww thankya for that!! Cooper and Zenith cuddle any time they aren't busy with work since Cooper's supposed to have an undercoat that keeps them a normal temperature, but since they're shaved down, they're pretty cold. As for Jacque and Mahogany, they actually go on triple dates! Jacque and Mog have my bat oc Tobi, and Cooper and Zenith have Jubilee, my opossum oc! (I don't think I've posted her on much other than my qd yet) On that note, Cooper and Zenith have a (currently on indefinite haitus) story over at https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/1069187.html so go check that out if you're curious enough!

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