Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonis · 12mo

i wanna keep you in a cage in my bedroom and put on cartoons for you, feed you, let you go potty... you don't get to do any of your basic needs met unless i do it for you. you only get let out of the cage for potty time and play time! I'll make sure that nao is a very obedient little puppy and it's so desperately reliant and codependent on me that it's obsessive <3 i wanna keep you forever as my cute little hole that i can use whenever i want. maybe if you're good I'll let you sleep in the bed with me while you warm my cock with your holes c: you're such a good boy nao <3 i wanna do so many fucked up things to you

wahhh being a cock warming brainless puppy sound so good,, being trained to follow a commanded schedule
its whole self adjusted to be fig to ur necessities and priorities
the best goodest loppy brained mutt that will piss itself whenever clicker/the word is said
the is no world only you and it would die without u
being on the bed would make him cry specially if he is privileged enough to be a good hole for the night,, so proud of his home

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