RhymewithRay · 8 answers · 2y

Your OC but its the thing where celebrities Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions by typing in their name and seeing how Google autofills... what are the top 3 questions about your oc and how do they answer?


“Who is Summer Cedar?“

“Crazy blonde trying to talk to Pokémon”

“Is Summer Cedar single yet?“ (hopium)


“What happened to Briar Palmetto?“

“Is Briar Palmetto and Summer Cedar dating?“

“Briar Palmetto gym challenge record”


“How does Libelle use battle bond?“

“Champion Exhibition Match Libelle vs [REDACTED]”

“Does Libelle have an Only Fans”


“Gremory family history”

“Minerva Gremory’s net worth”

“Minerva Gremory’s thigh straps”

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