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Anon-kun · 12mo

Why did you choose the name Kasumi?

Tbh I’ve always liked the name. A large part of that is because of my favorite character from Dead or Alive being Kasumi. Also my favorite Persona character is “Kasumi” Yoshizawa from P5R. Although a more technical reason is due to Kasumi’s different meanings based on the kanji used. I think all fit her really well. Especially since her name can mean "mist" which suits her mist-colored hair. It also lends to her mystical nature as a Kitsune. It can also mean "flower/purity" which I think are pretty suitable descriptions for her. Especially the “purity” part. Kasumi was technically a virgin for 300 years, and has a very innocent personality. Thus she was physically and emotionally “pure” for a very long time. Likewise her last name “Fuyuko” already means “winter child” so not only are her names personal favorites of mine, but they are also fitting as well.

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