MusedUp · 1y

Do you wish there were more people who fixated on your OCs?

IDk,like,is there people who fixate about my ocs?? you fixiate about my ocs? IF thats so,thats wholesome dude,i wonder which ocs u fixate alot on! <<<33

But,i guess,i dont reaaally mind,at least at the moment i dont feel like i deserve such a treat like that for how i BARELY posted anything of my ocs,like,i been telling myself "oh i have toyhouse i MUST do something with my ocs" aaaaaannnd here i am,witout writing anything after years....xD
But dont get me wrong! i apreciate ALOT that you or more people love that much my babies to get hype or waiting for me to make more content of them<<<33

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