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Miffies · 7mo

Hiii emi! Question about himemugi but how do they initially meet and what were their first impressions of each other !! ^_^ also love hime’s design !

THANK YOU🤍🤍🤍 her design is inspired by manhwa fls with pink hair hhh

Hime knew Tsumugi back in the (!) era when Reine would tag her along to the idol course building. She was eventually introduced to the idol industry and became a huge fan of ex-fine —with Tsumugi as her main oshi. They officially met in person when Reine became Switch's producer and introduced them to each other(partly because Hime begged her to)

Hime's initial impression of Tsumugi was that he was this perfect, charismatic person, so she was shocked and disappointed to find that he didn't match her expectations when they first met (dw she grows to love him soon). Tsumugi's impression of Hime was particularly big; he just thinks she's cute and that she's Reine's cousin. But he was really drawn into her princess-like appearance

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