Anonymous Kitten · 2mo

im asking this in like a genuine wanting to learn way, in your post about mapledori you said they were "essentially the same person at different perspectives", what does this mean?

Maple is basically a reflection of what Midori saw in himself before his punishment. Her emotions that are supposed to mirror that of a human are so simplified because Midori himself was never allowed to be one. Despite being the strongest, Maple is also described as lonely, by Midori no less, who would know what the cost of being at the top would be from his own experience. The way to reach an understanding with Maple, to essentially make her into a tool for somebody else, is to treat her with kindness and patience, which, while also mirroring Midori's relationship with Shin, also speaks to just how badly Midori needs other people to hate him, not just as a means of him being remembered, but also allowing him to keep up that wall between himself and others. Like Midori, Maple's love (program) offered her a new way to experience things outside of her place in Asunaro, and because of that, she serves as a grim reminder of the naive Hiyori who also wanted for a life he'd never get to have.

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