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anon · 20d

nines i just need u to know i think abt ur seri kidnapping shota reigen All The Time. thank you for your time lol

anon · 21d

Hiii!!! Just wondering, will roach reigen make a 2nd comeback ???

He's literally camping in my mind since I made him.
I barely have any time to draw anything tbf so I can't really promise anything. I hope I get in the good mood one day and bring him back, I have a lot of written ideas and mental notes for him...

anon · 21d

What if Minori only fucks Mob if his arms-hands and legs are tied because he's strictly not allowed to touch her

No need, he's too polite to do anything
If she needs to hold him, she'll use her bootlicking groupies

anon · 21d

Minori would rape mob in the girls restroom…and then she would share her lunch with him, thats just the type of relationship they have. (´;ω;`)

anon · 22d

Mob x Touichirou, opinion?

I really need to buy the rest of the mangas to get to that arc because I sketched some scribbles without cleaning them: they would have a prey/predator dynamic...... Or a predator/predator one


anon · 22d

Do you think Touichirou would be ultra misogynistic if Shou, his son, was his daughter instead

I'm thinking he would use her gender for her kind side (being a normal kid) and the way Sho disobey him.
"I would never trust a woman with such powers and responsibilities on her shoulders" type of mindset

anon · 1mo

What colour do you picture when you think of your own fanworks' vibe? mysteriously vague answers supported and encouraged

I like odd questions like these lol
I don't feel only one color but more like a palette, so something around warm orange/bright yellow maybe ?

anon · 1mo

One year ago I requested a doodle of Mirai pegging Reigen AND you made 12 Pages about It!!!!!😳😳😳 Girl...I was so SO happy It felt like Christmas ngl... I love u...
Merci beaucoup (en retard😅) dear💞

I think about it everyday and everyday I feel guilty for not finishing it...

anon · 1mo

Could you draw Mogami with a shota reigen? something like your tutor
-Sincerely from Google Translate

Here you go, anon 😎

Some MogaRei
I'm getting a dynamic that pleases me very much. Mogami would abuse his power and Reigen's naivety a lot!!!!

anon · 1mo

Is there something you enjoy drawing the most? Makes you excited to work on it?

anon · 1mo

What's your interpretation of mobrit?

Ritsu's wet dream becoming true.
He knows his nii-san has a third leg.
My headcanon for MobRit is that Mob doesn't moan as he doesn't laugh or get excited, linking to his difficulty to express his feelings. But he would take Ritsu in his arms, hug him, comfort him, wiping away his tears when he's overstimulated telling him "shhhh. Everything is ok"

anon · 1mo

If Mob were a girl, how would he see himself having a romantic relationship with Reigen? >///<

smashing the table
A fairy tale. She would have a MASSIVE crush on Reigen. The kind of "he's older and more mature than me but he's so nice to me." taking any small affection like buying food or paying her as a mark of romantic affection.
If we're going in the shipping zone, Reigen would have a secret relationship with Mob. Taking her to love hotels and kissing her in the office when no one is there. He would have a lot of difficulties from touching her.

They would love each other so much.... I'm a huge ReiShigeko fan....

anon · 1mo

Hello! How and when did you get into mp100? Also whats THE moment that made you love mp100?

anon · 1mo

Sorry I asked in a confusing way 🙇 What I meant was if Reigen/Mob and Reigen/Mirai ever happens in the same universe? Or if in the universe where Reigen/Mirai are a couple Reigen/Mob does never happen and the other way around as well?

Omg I'm so sorry, I didn't get it 😭
MRM is a totally different universe as MiRei, literally fanart/fic. I see Mirai's story as a different timeline of the canon story, not just a ship to ship thing
Hope I answered correctly 🙇

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