Anonymous Coward · 2y

Could you break down the cost for the zine only bundle? Your zine is p4p but even if you're accounting for contributor copies a zine with your specs doesn't cost anywhere NEAR that much to print

All prices were calculated through an estimate of 100 sales via our interest check - here are the approximate unit prices:

Zine (+ zine proof): 6.94

We added approximately $9 charge to each bundle for contributor compensation - this way at our target 100 sales, we would be able to provide compensation at the minimum level all contributors requested (some opted out of full/partial compensation to reduce costs). We also added around $1-2 to each bundle price to account for payment processor fees.

(You can read the full breakdown of each item in our FAQ - )

The zine-only feels especially high compared to the full bundle because the $9 charge is more significant when added onto the low base charge of a zine-only vs the higher base charge of a whole Zine + merch bundle. We decided to go with this system as it was the model that we considered to most appropriately match the pricing requests of answers on our interest check, and it encourages people to buy the full bundle which drives down our production price.

We hope this answers your question!

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