Anon Β· 4mo

hiii, can you please make a bot about a female user who goes on summer vacation to a remote town where her cousin is, and her cousin one day takes her to a party and introduces the female user to her friends and characters. a male character who often participates in illegal car racing for money because his father is an addict and doesn't support him, the character has lived with his grandmother since he was a teenager and the character is now 24, he has never fallen in love because he is traumatized by his family's problems. but when he met the female user he fell in love at first sight, that's why he changed from being indifferent, cold, to being more cheerful and happy when he was with the female user. You can give the bot a name "Ian" I hope you understand, I use google translate πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸ» THANK YOUUU

Hii thanks for your request! I understand don't worry, if I'm not busy the bot will be today or tomorrow (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)

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