Beatrice Camilla
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Lovely cows · 5mo

How you doin?

Not so good, but that’s fine. Thank you for asking sender, hope you have a great day.

Daniel Leo · 11 answers · 6mo

For scientific purposes, kalian lebih suka sabun yang finishnya licin apa keset?

athenaya ^_^ · 17 answers · 6mo

Hi guys! Rate my new retro theme dong :o. Aku lagi gabut, terus iseng-iseng acak tema lagi. Udah cocok belum ya? Tia, guys!

Lovely cows · 9mo

Do you prefer to browse the Internet on your phone, computer, or another device?

Lovely cows · 9mo

Can you draw?

Yea.. a little bit. Back in my junior high school days, I joined the art club. I really enjoy drawing and painting. But now I haven't drawn and painted anything for years.

Lovely cows · 9mo

What do you like more, tea or coffee?

Definitely tea! I feel like here's no limit when it comes to drinking tea, it has various types, you can mix it with sum milk, fruit, flowers, even herbs. Moreover, you can brew it a couple times, and each brew also has different taste.

Lovely cows · 9mo

What habit do you really find cute in a person?

when they use their favorite cutlery from their childhood, or maybe when they keep goods from their childhood and take care of them nicely.

Lovely cows · 9mo

What was the last thing you have bought?

Lovely cows · 9mo

How often do you eat food not prepared by yourself?

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