Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious Bean · 13d

I would be so interested in hearing thoughts from your boy about the experience of having his partner go from "I'm skinny and my boy asked me to gain a little weight - guess I'm gonna give this a try" to "350 seems like a nice weight to rest at for a while before putting on more". Like, wow. How blown is Scribble's mind?? ^v^

I asked! >m> He's a demiromantic lad. So if I was small or chubby or over-the-top fat, he'd be happy either way. He isn't a feeder or an encourager. Me gaining originally started from concerns from him about how thin I was effecting my health. And it was a bit of a joke that he'd want me 'bigger than he could wrap his arms around me' because he knows all about my art so he knows what to say =/3/=

"If it makes you happy and you're not hurting yourself to get there, then cool beans. I love you! If you're happy, it's all golden to me."

So his mind isn't blown xD I think he expected the spiral I took after I started last winter and put on as much weight as I did lol. But he's certainly happy I'm eating and loving grabbing and messing with me over it =3=

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