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Anonymous mosquito · 7d

Opinion on inkyduck?

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

What are Beryl's powers if he has powers? IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU TELL ME

Beryl has brain power, intelligence. Okay, okay, I’m kidding (half kidding). Beryl is smart don’t get me wrong, but Beryl also have other powers but null just don’t want to use it. Why? Beryl knows that the 5 powerful figures (I will change the name soon) became corrupted with power by using so much of the power they have. Beryl doesn’t want to end up like those figures.

What are Beryl’s powers? Beryl got nulls powers from the gemstone. Powers like mind reading, telekinesis, etc.

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

how much damage are we talking that was caused by the war.. like extreme devastation?

DEVASTATION 😼. I feel bad for the people that have to live through all of that. Forests burnt down, houses torn down, people’s lives fell down, everything down. The war could’ve wiped out the population of the whole world, but didn’t, maybe wiped half of the population which is a lot. 🧚

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

If kuzunite had all of the gemstones could he theoretically defeat the divine figures like loreal?

Possibly yes, if he knows how to use the power and know their weaknesses. It’s not 100% that he will defeat them, it’s like around 70% or lower idk. Well, the divine figures did defeat the 5 (I have decided to make 5 of them) powerful figures billions of years ago, but it did cost so much damage.

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

Do you play any sports? If you don’t would you wanna start?

I do play sports, I’m just not that good at it. I played basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, badminton, handball, idk what else. But I suck at all of them

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

If kuzunite got his way and ruled the middle world how bad would it become?

Oh man, It’s going to be bad. Well, not too bad compared to if Orpheus ruled the world. Remember, Kunzite has a big ego, and stellar is not a good person. If anyone disagrees with him, oh man he took that way too personally. Enjoys watching others suffer, and have control over everything. (Until the divine figures stepped out and have a battle with Kunzite, that’s will totally happen)

Kunzite would basically be a dictator if he managed to rule the whole middl world. Possibly rule the overworld and underworld too. 🙀

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

So has kuzunite succeeded in getting the gemstone from lazuli?

As for right now, not yet. “Looks like that grumpy warrior is much more smarter than I thought.. unpredictable..” Kunzite tried manipulation, but Lazuli didn’t fall for it.

One day, Kunzite will succeed 😼😼😼

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

Also keep on yapping I like reading em 🙏🙏

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

So what was the great achromatic war too Im curious, and do the original powerful figures have names?

The Great Achromatic War is basically a war between the divine figures and Orpheus. The war costed so many lives and a lot of things got destroyed. The results of the war was Orpheus ended up losing and got banished into a cavern at the underworld (which the people living in the underworld do not like)

The original powerful figures do have names actually, I just haven’t thought of it and I don’t have design ideas. Maybe in the future 😼

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

Oooh so then what was the great cleavage war?

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

So whos the other gemstone holders?

the gemstone of Resistance- Lazuli Aozora
the gemstone of Enchantment- Jasper Shirai
the gemstone of Sagacious- Beryl Villaverde
the gemstone of Ascendancy- Kunzite Ka‘anā‘anā
the gemstone of Restorative- ???

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

Ooh then also how did the gemstones come to be?

The origins of the gemstones is currently unknown. Some claimed that the gemstones were created by the divine figures to help them fight off evil spirits. While others claimed that there were four very power figures (possibly five) billions and billions of years ago, the gemstones are their remains after the Great Cleavage War (which split the overworld, middle world, and underworld into three separate worlds.)

It’s still unknown till this day (I usually would write a whole essay on this but I don’t have ideas) 🏃

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

So why does Kuzunite want the gemstones.. what power do the gemstones have? and what is Kuzunite's end goal?

Anonymous mosquito · 1mo

So whats the deal between lazuli and his brother? Sounds like it isnt a great relationship

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