Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Stranger danger · 5mo

I love the headcanon/scenario in the academy au that when Sanemi finds out all Giyuu eats at lunch is fucking bread he forces him to eat a real meal (aka a meal sanemi made). No wonder he has all that energy to chase students when all he eats are carbs. It starts with Sanemi simply shoving his own lunch at Giyuu and it progresses to Sanemi making 3 lunches (one for him, one for Genya and now one for Giyuu.) the downside is now when Sanemi calls off work Giyuu doesn’t eat lunch at all because he wants Sanemi’s cooking.

I adore this! He'd be so hooked on Sanemi's cooking and I'm positive he'd gain some weight from having a more balanced diet.
I also think he'd try to do him little favors in return to show his thanks.

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