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Enquirer · 20d

honestly I may need to watch zootopia again but I never found any copganda in it

The movie ignores how in real life police forces are used systematically to target and oppress minority groups, instead presenting the institution and all officers as unambiguously good and trustworthy. I think the intent behind it was presenting the police as how they "should" be but they end up implying that the ZPD is reflective of how police forces (particularly ones in urban settings) actually are. Originally the movie was going to take place from Nick's point of view and follow his efforts to create a safe space for himself and other predators, being forced to navigate the systemic barriers placed upon him and other predators by the prey-majority society of Zootopia in the process, which the police (including Judy, at first) were fully complicit in. But y'know that's a bit too real for Disney and the neolib execs made them water the message down to "prejudice bad" while completely throwing out all of the nuance the original draft had. Plus shifting the perspective to the cop in the scenario and changing the movie from a racial commentary to a buddy copaganda piece.

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