
I'm just vibing bro

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Anonymous Coward · 2y

I found this tweet and I really want to know what's next, do u by any chance remember?? If it not no problem!!

Omg I totally forgot about this!! I always liked to imagine that Sukuna had to spend months upon months trying to convince Megumi that he's changed and can treat him right. It takes two years for Megumi to buckle down and give Sukuna a chance.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

If sukufushi is not a popular pair in the fandom, do you know which are the popular pairings? Is gofushi popular or nah?

I think gofushi is less popular but I know itafushi and satosugu are more popular than sukufushi. I also think goyuu tends to be pretty popular and nanago seems very popular

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Shuriken! Don't ask why, you just give me cool throwing weapon vibes!

It's because I have the older sibling energy of throwing shit at my younger sister to shut her up, huh

I'm here for it lmao

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Too many thotz

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hi! I hope you're well. Do you know when you'll update little wolf?

Oh whenever I get a reminder to, I swear I'm so air headed lately lol I always forget to update things on AO3

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Do you ever take writing requests? I’m in such a mood for some super dirty sexy sukafushi. Just Megumi getting railed and rimmed within an inch of his life ! Crying the whole bit just yaaa 😍

I always take requests but I'm dealing with some super heavy writers block right now 😖 so I'll keep this in mind but right now I think all I can do are commissions

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Just wanted to say you're awesome and thank you for all the SukuFushi goodness!

Anon come here let me give you a big smooch on the forehead and I will tell you a sukufushi bed time story

Anonymous Coward · 2y

oo waht skfs hospital au?? can u send me the links please🦎

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Your skfs hospital thread was great<3<3<3 Left me yearning for Sukuna's jealousy👀

Ahhh thank you!! I have an idea for a continuation, I just have no time right now to actually write it 😂

Anonymous Coward · 2y

How about alpha Megumi and omega Sukuna, everyone thinks it's the other way round, how much taller Sukuna is, and how well built he is. Also how small and pretty Megumi is, but Megumi is the one to go completely feral when Sukuna is close to his heat, or when some poor sap even tries to make a move on what is his! Megumi may not be able to manhandle Sukuna but he can sure fuck him well enough.

Anon you are the only one who truly understands what I want out of life right now

Anonymous Coward · 2y

omg noooooo I missed u posting art :( do u think you’ll ever post again? fuck those mean people who decided to tear u down about it

Maybe some day! I'm posting it on my patreon for right now because it's easier and feels safer. I really just wanted to share that piece originally because I thought it was fun.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

all those anons not daring saying what they think to your face because they're all barks no bite and are actually scared of you lol please don't listen to them
your prompts are amazing, you are amazing, people act like they're superior bc they can be anonymous but basically they're just little rats scared to come out because of a cat

That anon is just scared I'll get too good at art and then I'll be too powerful at being able to write and create art!

Anonymous Coward · 2y

It is painfully obvious that anon is just bitter about all the support you get! I’m glad you’re feeling better and aren’t letting it get to you though because people like that aren’t worth your time.

It's okay to be jealous of me, I would be too if I wasn't me 😔 but damn that's no reason to be rude to me lol

Anonymous Coward · 2y

why would anyone feel the need to be so mean to a stranger?, anyway i hope you have a great sunday and a great week next week and know that you have a ton of followers that love you!

I love you too anon!! But yeah people just want to be mean for the sake of being mean, I think it makes them feel better about themselves lol

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