Anon · 1y

Hey uh, sorry to bring this up but I was a little uncomfortable with something you liked on one of your other nsfw accs. It was a be//po x l//aw nsfw. Isn't that considered proship like L//wlu considering L//aw is much older than B//epo? I mean ik they're both adults currently & that they were childhood friends but it's the fact that L//w was 10 & B//epo was only 6 when they first met just makes it really weird. L//w always felt like an older brother figure to him in my opinion. Not to mention, the artist who posted that is actually proshipper who also ships lu//han & m//arco x ace.

Again, sorry to bring this up nor am i trying to start anything with you. I truly admire your artwork & I think you're a really nice person, but I felt it was important to bring up to not only express my discomfort about this ship, but to also let you know that the artist who drew that is in fact a proshipper.

tbh my opinion with l/aw x b/epo is just dependent on my interpretation of it but i can see why its super uncomfy, i unliked and blocked the poster for the lu/han and mar/ace ship

More with the la/w and be/po; TBH the age gap isn't that bad to me bc i more so think they would have fallen for one another when they got much older-but i respect your opinion!!! i wont post about it anymore bc i want my accounts to be a safe space to express or enjoy sextual stuff without feeling weird about it or anything like that (i like k/id and l/aw more so anyway lol)

I really do appreciate you telling me and expressing your discomfort!!

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