Anon · 1y

I wouldn't mind people shipping them if it wasn't for their canon backstory. Some may say it's a small age gap for adults which is true! but it's the ages in which they met that makes it weird. The fact that Law was a pre-teen & Bepo was 8 ( sorry I made a mistake back there he was 8 not 6 lol I was reading Bepo's backstory on the Wikia )when they met & then spent the rest of their lives together. I mean the more I think about it, it makes it all the more creepier. For example ; when Bepo was in his mid teens, Law was already nearing his 20s. Like, even if they got together as adults it still wouldn't make it any less weird, it kind of feels like that whole " waiting until they're legal " vibe considering he's older than Bepo? Idk, it just makes me feel icky. Not to mention the ship is also heavily associated with proship similarly to Lawlu due to the age gap.

anyway, i hope you understand where im coming from with all this. i really do appreciate you taking the time to listen to hear me express my discomfort & i thank you for no longer posting about that ship & making your account safe for all your followers. :)

OK YEA THAT MAKES SENCE thank you for putting that into perspective!!!
np!! i always want people to feel comfortable coming to me with any issues that come up bc half of the time i have no idea its wrong or need it explained LMAO

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