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Anonymous Coward · 2d

Thoughts on scalie OCs?

uh no thoughts one way or the other? I have a few myself. my only nonserious non-gripe about em is when they have body hair lmao like a t-rex with facial stubble

Anonymous Coward · 5d

Best way to flirt with a girl? Or guy, I don't judge.

if they're anything like me, just fucken tell em lmao you can send me all the hints you like but it will go completely over our heads

Anonymous Coward · 5d

You ever watch those transformation hypnosis videos to feel like becoming your OC?

mmm nah not really. I really like hypno but I'm too much of a sceptic to have it work or something

Anonymous Coward · 8d

Ngl I've kinda have a crush on you but I'm too nervous to make a move

Anonymous Coward · 8d

Which pokemon would you want to be trapped in a pokeball with?

Anonymous Coward · 8d

Would you ever be in a "bisexual sandwich"

Anonymous Coward · 8d

How's it feel to wear a collar, like does it feel nice?

Anonymous Coward · 10d

Ever done any latex artwork in the past or plan to?

Anonymous Coward · 12d

Would you ever wear a collar?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

I'm not a furry, but you're cute.
Transforms into a furry

wym I'm not a furry either i have no idea what youre talking about my friends got me a badge that proves it too

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

You ever wish you had boobs?

not really? I've been p secure in my current physical orientation. now do I want huge pecs? yes.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Would you date someone you met on Twitter?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

You ever dream of banging your fursona?

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