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Piece of Lint · 1y

How do you think you’d fare if you got to be your sona- including whatever powers or abilities you usually ascribe to them in art and media and such? How do you think you’d spend your first day? Your first year? The rest of time?

I would probably fare pretty well.
The rest of existence, maybe not so much~

Though, for real, if all powers/abilities are fair play, then I'd probably spend the entire first day trying all kinds of shit, altering reality, history, etc.
Throughout the first year, I'd probably let more people be their sona, but more within reason (otherwise, the planet would probably be wiped out in moments; that's for later)

For the rest of time? Probably just keeping myself entertained, and likely getting desensitized over time.

Piece of Lint · 1y

Since you’ve answered your favorite thing to do with micros, what to you think is their favorite to least favorite thing to do for you? Like where are they most eager to serve vs least eager to serve? Or do you pay no mind to it to begin with?

I usually pay little mind to micros, but they tend to seem pretty eager to serve my pits/paws/crotch. Guess the musk gets them going.

Piece of Lint · 1y

Thoughts on nanos getting acquainted with a macro? Specifically with their enzymes or gut bacteria?

I'm always up for nanos getting eaten just like micros do~
Though, they'll have a hard time in there when even the gut bacteria is planet-sized to them 😏

Piece of Lint · 1y

With aware vore, do you prefer your prey to be naked or clothed?

Piece of Lint · 1y

When it comes to soul vore, what is their eventual fate? Do they simply cease to exist? Do they become apart of you, remaining aware? Are they forever your plaything at that point? Or something else entirely?

Soul vore can take so many forms, and depending on mood I prefer one or the other.
Anywhere from your, essentially ghost, remaining where you last were forever, to experiencing life via one of my body parts for the rest of eternity.

You could even find yourself in a whole new reality of my creation, along with all the others who suffered the same fate. My toys forever, to do with as I please~

Piece of Lint · 1y

What’s your favorite macro situation/scenario? At macro scale and regular scale (with micros)

Utter domination.
Aware or unaware.
This ranges from intentional teasing about how big/small one is, to just simply flattening a building/city/etc. by accident. The scenario of "this nearly unnoticeable motion to them is a calamity for the smalls"

Piece of Lint · 1y

You ever get lonely being all big and handsome?
Or do you keep pets for a short while at a time?

Infinity can be quite lonely yes. But that's why I tend to enter realities with an avatar to have people to interact with. Lots of scenarios and size fun to be had~

Piece of Lint · 1y

Since this is anonymous I will say that I like you, you’re really cool to chat with and I appreciate the time I spend with you, I’m just too coward to say it lol

Piece of Lint · 1y

When it comes to vore, do you prefer them staying alive within you, or some form of digestion?

Personally? I tend to enjoy non-graphic digestion that either ends in soul vore or reforming the day after. Though, more often than not I'm open to what the prey is comfortable with.

Piece of Lint · 1y

"Everything changed when the macro nation attacked"

Fave scenarios for macros stomping across the moutains, sailing across the seas or stars, or piercing the veil between worlds to arrive in a land of micros? Their attitude, size, and objectives? What fate awates the teeny inhabitants at their feet?

I'll risk sounding like a broken record and say unaware, since it's the good stuff. I imagine macros just traveling trying to find other civilizations to trade with but never bothering to look at the strange little "stuff" on the ground they keep stepping on. Could also always be to invade and expand their territory... except they are literally crushing the opposition without even knowing it~

So the fate of those little guys would be to be flattened without ever standing a chance, or even being noticed for that matter~

Piece of Lint · 1y

What food is your favorite to add micros too?

Oh, that fully depends on the size of the micro, I could see them stuck in pizza cheese though~

Piece of Lint · 1y

Favorite foot related scenario with a micro?

Unaware in my shoes, I'd say. Either that or having a freshly shrunken micro worship my paws.

Piece of Lint · 1y

Oh! Name 5 people you would absolutely nom/keep!

Uhh... in essentially just alphabetical order per category:
Arexu - keep
Ciel/Julian - keep
Javier (Javierowo) - keep
Quinn/Threefolder - keep
Mocha - keep
Danathius - nom
Dem/Theo - nom
JetLaudir - nom
Ohkuri - nom
Toki - nom

Piece of Lint · 1y

Do you stimk? If so, how stimky? And do you know who asked this?

Not necessarily, there's some musk to be had, but not excessive.
A good bit of hypnotizing musk is hot. But not to the point where you'd say it's actually stinky.

I'll let you keep your anonymity, would take the fun out of it otherwise

Piece of Lint · 1y

Calling Oric micro might cause the end of your planet, just saying

Not just your planet, your universe, multiverse, omniverse or reality... whichever you think is the biggest of those. They'll be ground like dust beneath my heel~

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