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Hornythorhynchus · 11mo

hi peo! it's the nb bisexual anon again, i just wanted to say thank you for your response! i understand what you meant now, and i'm really relieved to know that we feel the same!

labels are never 100% perfect and i totally agree that it's valid to label yourself however you want, or to not label yourself at all!

thank you for taking the time to answer me! no need to apologise either, i was just unsure about that particular quote.

btw i finished the fic and it's a 10/10, chef's kiss <3

have a great day!!

Hi again anon 🥰 I'm glad to know i answered your question while managing to be a little structured!

As the saying goes: labels are for bottles, not for people! We're so much to be labeled properly!

You're so welcome, really, you did well asking! I'm always ready to share with y'all about anything.

Please you're so kind, thank you, I'm happy you like it <3
I wish you a bright and wonderful day too!! ✨

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