Nobody · 9mo

You can keep this private or delete / Can you check on your mod @kroalias? They haven’t been answering messages and they manage/finance/shipping for 15+ zines so people are worried

Hi anon! We wanted to address this publicly as we're committed to transparency & were actually working on a short announcement to update our audience :]

Mod Cym (Kroalias) has been in contact with us as recently as today. They've updated us regarding their capacity to mod this zine — specifically, they've decided to focus their energy on their work as production mod.

They worked super hard to pull together some amazing manus that have allowed us to create our DREAM merch line-up & we wouldn't want their hard work to go to waste! Look out for those merch item reveals in our countdowns over the next few days >:3c

That said, they are also realistic about their capacity to take on new projects with everything going on in their personal life. Mod Notte will be taking over the finance mod role (which she has experience with after PJO Tarot & Star Guardians Zine!) — she's been heavily involved with calculations thus far, even getting our finance sheet set up prior to opening apps, so we're confident in her ability to pull this project through to completion! She also will be holding funds for this project.

Shipping is unchanged & will continue to be taken care of by the wonderful Mod Tea, who made PJO Tarot the prettiest packages we could imagine :] Our project has also taken steps to ensure financial transparency & security by setting up live sales trackers in-server & sharing emergency contacts with co-mods.

We're very thankful that our mod team is as communicative as it is. While this reshuffling of duties may have come a bit late into our project, our mod team has restructured to address any potential concerns & to ensure this project continues to run smoothly. Thank you for your ask as well — Mod Cym has been incredibly communicative with us & has stepped away from any high-risk roles for our project, so we appreciate your kindness & understanding.

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