Nobody · 9mo

hiya mods! would it be ok to further elaborate on the full responsibilities of a production mod? and will you be ordering merch in bulk with other zines?

Of course! Our production mod's job duties are complete at this stage of the project: they were tasked with finding manufacturers for all our products: comparing pricing & quality, reaching out for quotes, tracking any discounts that come with bulk orders, etc.

Mod Cym has already provided all of the quotes & manufacturers that we'll be using, with direct contact links for all of them. This information has been double checked by both Mod Notte & Mod Neems (our project believes in having multiple checkpoints for finances!)

From here, our finance, art, & shipping mods will be taking on the rest! Mod Notte, Mod Neems, & Mod Tea (the PJO Tarot mod team!) have already checked our merch files & are ready to place orders as soon as POs close. We've also made great headway on formatting already!

Our project will not be group ordering merch in bulk alongside other projects — all our items will ordered as an individual shipment directly to our shipping mod.

Thank you for asking!

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