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Anonymous Coward · 7mo

What’s one of your favourite arcs or moments in My Senpai is Annoying? (I honestly never heard of that series until i discovered your adorable spicy fan-made comics of them, so I’d like to know more about it lol)

Hmh... favorite moments would be; the 2 chapters parallels where Takeda and Futaba hold hands, the extra chapters where Takeda confesses he got excited to see snow, or when they go to a festival and he says he wants to protect her through thick and thin (and after that he feels embarrassed about it jsjfsjjda) I love most of the chapters. I would have liked to see an arc after they went to the movies and we saw Takeda cry for the first time, but sadly it wasn't handled that way. Anyway, I still want to see what Shiromanta will come up with in the last remaining chapters!

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